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Tags: 1930, 1980, Bureau of Reclamation, CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps, Colorado, Dust Bowl, Elk Springs, FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Ft. Logan, Grand Junction, Grand Valley Canal, Great Depression, history, Kline, Leonard Pinto, Mark Waldman, Mesa Verde, Michael McCarthy, Montrose, New Deal, Norma Stephenson, Randall Teeuwen, Redvale, Reservoir, Rimrock Road, roads, social history, The Corps, Thedford Lanier, Thomas Lyons, Uncompahgre, Uncompahgre Federal Irrigation Project, wells, YACC, Young Adult Conservation Corps
Tags: Bayfield, Bear Creek, Cave Basin, Cemetery, Churches, Colorado, Ditches, Dude Ranch, electricity, Florida River, ghost town, HD Mountains, history, Irrigation, La Plata County, Laddie John, Library, Los Pinos, Ludwig, Miners, Mining, Moss, Navajo, Pine River, Pine River Valley, post office, Ranch, ranching, San Juan, Schools, settler, settlers, telephone, Toll Road, Tuckerville, Ute, Vallecito, Wolf Creek
Tags: 1898, Bay, Bayfield, Calvary Presbyterian Church, cavalry, Church, Colorado, Edwards, history, La Plata, Los Pinos, Pastor, Pine River, Presbyterian, Service to the Lord, Straw
Tags: 100, Abeyta, Allison, Architecture, Aspaas, Barn, Bates, Buchanan, Buildings, Cabin, Camp, Catholic, CCC, Cemetery, Church, Co-op, Coal, Coal Mining, Colorado, Dance Hall, Davies, Dimacali, Electra Lake, Farm, Farmington, Federal, Feller, Florida, Gas, Gem Village, Government, Grange, Hafling, Hall, Haukness, Historic, Historical, history, Home, Homestead, Hott, Hotter, House, Huntington, Kelley, Kikel, La Boca, La Plata County, Lechner, Lower Spring Creek, Ludwig, Miners, Mining, New Deal, Nuclear, Oil, Oil and Gas, Oldfield, Pioneers, Prospectors, Protected, Railroad, Ranch, Range, Ranger, Religion, Resource, Rockvale, Rockwood, School, Searcy, Settlement, Shelter, Sporting Club, St Patrick, St. Paul, Survey, Teelawuket, Tiffany, Timber, tourism, Trestle, Turkey, Warehouse, Water Tank, Waters, Wright, Wright Fuel Company
Tags: Burial Ground, Cemetery, Graveyard, La Boca, La Plata, La Plata County, Montezuma, Montezuma County, Old Mormon, Thompson Park, Tiffany
Tags: Allison, Allison-Tiffany, Animas City, Bayfield, Burial Ground, Cemetery, Colorado, Crestview, Durango, Elco, Florida, Fort Lewis, Graveyard, Greenmount, Hay Gulch, Hermosa, Hesperus, Hood, Ignacio, Ignacio East, Ignacio West, Kline, La Boca, La Plata County, La Posta, Martinez, Marvel, Ouray, Oxford, Pine River, Redmesa, Rockwood, Sheck Family, Thompson Park, Tiffany, Ute
Tags: Allen Day La Boca, Allison, Benn Spring, Cascade, Colorado, Haga, Harvey, Hay Gulch, Hermosa, Hesperus, history, Holder, Ignacio, La Plata City, La Plata County, Lightner Creek, Los Pinos, Lowell, Lower Spring Creek, Map, Mason, Mayday, Mayflower, Missouri Center, Moss, Pargin, Parrott City, Perins, Pine Ridge, Pinkerton, Porter, Ridges Basin, Rockvale, Rockwood, Rural, School, Thompson Park, Tiffany, Trimble, Upper Spring Creek, Ute Creek, Waterfall
Tags: 1996, Accession Book, Collection, Data, Library, Pine River Library, Records
Tags: Bayfield, CCC, Colorado, Dam, Durango, La Plata County, New Deal, Vallecito
Tags: 1978, Bayfield, Bayfield Colorado, Class of 1978, Colorado, commencement, graduation, program, seniors
Tags: 1978, Bayfield, Colorado, commencement, graduation, High School, history, School
Tags: 1979, Bayfield, Bayfield Colorado, Class of 1979, Colorado, commencement, graduation, High School, program, seniors
Tags: 1964, Bayfield, High School, Yearbook
Tags: 1967, Bayfield, High School, Yearbook
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