"Looking downstream at spillway gate structure from station 3/100, 110 feet right of centerline of spillway. (Photographic Point No. 6). Note tar paper panels for protecting concrete at right center."
Typed copy of the Constitution of the La Plata County CowBelles, drawn up on 10 April 1952 and adopted on 17 April 1952. This includes all articles, by-laws, and duties along with hand-written notations.
"Face of cut in Borrow Pit No. 2, Area No. 2, station 59+75/12+00. Total cut is 21 feet. Layer of glacial till extends from about one foot below surface to about 10 below, and the lower 10 feet is gravel."
This collection of interviews conducted by students of BHS Wolverine Academy highlights the dynamic array of roles that people-and institutions- in our community play.